Engineering & Tech Recruitment Specialists

What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to client satisfaction. We take the time to understand our clients' specific needs, organizational culture, and long-term goals. This deep understanding allows us to go beyond simply finding candidates with the necessary technical skills. We also focus on identifying individuals who align with our clients' values, possess strong communication and teamwork abilities, and exhibit the potential for long-term growth and success within their organizations.

List of Key Industries We Have Supplied Candidates Into:

Aerospace, Agricultural, Automotive, Biomedical, Chemical, Civil & Structural, Construction, HVAC, Electrical, Manufacturing, Marine, Mechanical, Nuclear, Renewable Energy, Robotics, Telecommunications, Water,

Waste Management.

Our Approach

  1. Understanding Client Requirements: We begin by closely collaborating with our clients to gain a deep understanding of their engineering & Tech requirements. We take the time to comprehend their organizational culture, project goals, technical needs, and any unique considerations that may impact the recruitment process.

  2. Candidate Sourcing: Leveraging our extensive network, industry partnerships, and cutting-edge sourcing techniques, we actively seek out and attract top engineering & Tech talent. We employ a multi-faceted approach, utilizing online job boards, professional networks, referrals, targeted advertising, and direct outreach to identify suitable candidates.

  3. Screening and Assessment: Our team of experienced recruitment specialists conducts thorough screenings and assessments of potential candidates. This includes evaluating their technical skills, industry experience, educational background, certifications, and any specialized knowledge relevant to the client's requirements. We also assess candidates' soft skills, communication abilities, problem-solving aptitude, and cultural fit within the client's organization.

  4. Candidate Interviews: Shortlisted candidates undergo rigorous interviews conducted by our skilled recruiters. These interviews delve deeper into candidates' technical expertise, project experience, and their ability to perform in real-world scenarios. Behavioral and situational questions help assess candidates' problem-solving abilities, teamwork skills, and their compatibility with the client's organizational values.

  5. Candidate Presentation: We present our clients with a carefully curated selection of highly qualified candidates who meet their specific criteria. Alongside detailed resumes, we provide comprehensive profiles highlighting candidates' technical competencies, project experience, and unique strengths that align with the client's requirements. We strive to present a diverse pool of candidates, ensuring a range of skill sets and perspectives.

  6. Client-Candidate Match: We facilitate the interview and selection process, arranging meetings between the client and candidates. We assist in coordinating schedules, providing feedback loops, and addressing any concerns that arise. Our aim is to foster effective communication and transparency throughout the client-candidate engagement, ensuring a smooth and efficient selection process.

  7. Onboarding and Support: Once a candidate is selected, we provide support during the onboarding phase, ensuring a seamless transition into the client's organization. We assist with contract negotiations, paperwork, and any administrative processes. We maintain regular contact with both the client and candidate to ensure satisfaction and address any issues that may arise.

  8. Post-placement Follow-up: Our commitment extends beyond the placement stage. We conduct post-placement follow-ups with both the client and the candidate to ensure a successful integration and address any concerns. We strive to build long-term relationships with both clients and candidates, supporting their ongoing professional development and fostering a mutually beneficial partnership.


Whether you are a candidate looking for your next career move or a Client who would like to have access to our database of world class engineers, Please get in contact with us.